Tuesday, August 13, 2013


                          SPROUTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS

Six plus one kind of methods of making bean sprouts diet food

We all know that bean sprouts also belongs to a kind of food of weight loss? Bean sprouts has clearing heat and relieve internal heat or fever, Beautify the skin, using diuretic of hydragogue to alleviate water retention, dredging the channel efficacy. If you put it into a slimming food, the effect is very good.
six kind of methods of making bean sprouts diet food

1. Blanching bean sprouts, add Soy sauce and Vinegar, salad to eat.

2. Put the bean sprouts and crucian stewed together, after eating can be beauty skin.

3. Take the appropriate amount of bean sprouts and the skin of Wax gourd, and add a little of vinegar, to do make soup to drink, the effect of weight loss is really good.

4. Take bean sprouts 100 grams, a little salt, dried tangerine peel 20 grams, and then add water to do make soup to drink, can discharge toxins and diuresis.

5. Bean sprouts, grated and juicing, add appropriate amount of honey, as tea to drink, can make people fresh pleasant to the eye.

6. Take bean sprouts 100 grams, 100 grams of dandelion, add water to boil until cook thoroughly, and then filtered to drink, can play a role to eliminate fat and lose weight.

Another recommended bean sprouts diet meals

Raw materials: Soaked jellyfish silk 250 grams, 500 grams of Mung bean sprouts, Carrots 200 grams, 200 grams of Parsley, the amount of salt, Cooking wine, peanut oil, chopped green onion.

Method for making: jellyfish silk washed, cut into filaments, spare. The bean sprouts removal head and tail, wash stand. Put oil into the pot to heating, add chopped green onion to stir, then add bean sprouts, carrots, jellyfish silk, parsley segment, stir fry.

Features: crisp and refreshing, delicious Cellulite, daily lunch and dinner to eat, this can be reduced about eight pounds.

collection from: http://bestvegetables.net/

Monday, July 29, 2013

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

I was a bit slow in starting my Fenugreek seeds this week so I'll let you in on a little secret. Sprouts are healthy AND delicious.

You already know that? Fine! Did you know that Fenugreek can be used in tea, supplements, on salads or as sprouts?
Maybe you'll learn something new today smarty pants!
Fenugreek Seeds can be sprouted
According to Organicfacts.net (love this website), the health benefits of Fenugreek are:

Good for breast feeding mothers: India’s traditional ayurvedic physicians prescribe fenugreek to nursing mothers. This benefit is attributed to the presence of diosgenin in fenugreek.

Reduce menstrual discomfort: Fenugreek is considered as a potent menstruation ease promoter.

Minimize symptoms of menopause: Fenugreek contains the chemicals diosgenin and estrogenic isoflavones, which are similar to the female sex hormone, estrogen. Loss of estrogen causes menopausal symptoms. So, eating fenugreek helps to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Reduce cholesterol: Studies and researches show that Fenugreek consumption helps to reduce cholesterol level. Fenugreek helps to reduce the level of low density Lipoprotein (LDL) significantly.

Reduces cardiovascular risk: Fenugreek seed contains 25 percent galactomannan. This is a type of natural soluble fiber. This reduces cardiovascular diseases.

Control diabetes: Fenugreek helps to alleviate type II diabetes. According to one study, it may also help people with Type I diabetes. Study done by Indian researchers revealed that Fenugreek added to type I diabetic patient’s diet, helps drop urinary sugar level by 54 percent. Because of the presence of the natural fiber galactomannan, fenugreek slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into blood. The amino acid (4-hydroxyisoleucine) in Fenugreek induces the production of insulin and therefore, 15-20 grams of fenugreek daily is recommended for controlling blood sugar.
Sprouted Fenugreek Seeds

Relief for sore throat: Fenugreek’s soothing mucilage helps to relieve sore throat pain and cough.

Relieve constipation: Fenugreek adds bulk to the stool. So, it is helpful to treat constipation and diarrhea and also relieves minor indigestion.

Good for kidney troubles: Traditional Chinese medicine advises fenugreek for kidney patients.

Prevent colon cancer: Fenugreek possesses anticarcinogenic potential. The steroid diosgenin in Fenugreek is colon cancer preventive.

Good appetite suppressant: The natural soluble fibre galactomannan can swell in the stomach and thus, suppresses appetite


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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sprouts Pack

Why Sprouts: Life giving sprouts contain live enzymes necessary for the digestive process. They contain few in calories and no cholesterol. Sprouts are one of the highest sources of fibers.

Live Healthier: The facts are plain, sprouting a variety of seeds not only places live enzymes and fiber in your diet, but contains the highest and purest forms of vitamins and nutrients necessary for a long healthy life.

Secrets of Sprouted beans are as follows:

Cowpeas: Cowpeas are great source of protein, vitamins A and C, magnesium, and potassium.

Chickpeas: Chickpeas are high in Vitamin C and rich in fiber.

Moong Bean: Moong beans, a good source of protein also contain useful amounts of fiber, potassium, and B-vitamins. They contain low levels of fat, cholesterol and sodium.
It is useful for those of us who want to increase their alertness and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy bones and teeth, a fact which makes sprouted seeds desirable for babies and children

Carrot: Carrots are good sources of vitamin B1, B2, B6, K, biotin, fiber, potassium and thiamine. 4 health benefits of carrot:
Prevent cancer
Improves vision
Nourish skin,

Beetroot: Beetroot is a super-storehouse of both vitamin C and iron, which is great news for your body, top 4 health benefits of beetroot
Liver friendly
Prevent Heart attacks
Body’s natural mood-lifter serotonin
Immune System Booster

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

                                     Mung Beans

For thousands of years, mung beans have been used for a variety of purposes. Mung beans originated in India and were cultivated throughout Asia. The ancient Chinese used mung beans for culinary and medicinal purposes such as dispelling heat and detoxifying the body. Today mung beans are still being used for culinary and health purposes due to the beans’ high nutritional content and value.

If you have high cholesterol you may benefit from eating mung beans daily. Mung beans are low in cholesterol and high in soluble dietary fibers. Dietary fiber refers to certain food particles that cannot be digested. Dietary fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber aids in normalizing bowl movements, but it does not do much for lowering blood pressure. Soluble fiber when mixed with water in the digestive tract will form a gel-like material, which in turn aids in supporting essential bodily functions.

Foods rich in soluble dietary fibers are shown to help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by encouraging the production of LDL receptors that are responsible for removing excess LDL cholesterol out of the blood stream. It is recommended to consume 10 to 25 g of soluble fiber per day to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol. Mung beans contain 1.9 g of total dietary fiber per cup. Mung beans may be combined with other dietary fiber-rich foods to further lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Breast Cancer 
Mung and other type of beans contain protease inhibitors. Protease inhibitors slow the replication of certain cancer cells including those found in breast cancer. Protease inhibitors are known to block and prevent formation of tumor cells.

Beans such as the mung bean variety contain isoflavone nutrients. Isoflavones help regulate hormonal activity. Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogen, making mung beans estrogenic in nature. Mung beans contain about 495.1 µg of phytoestrogen content, making mung beans a good source of phytoestrogen.
In a 12-week trial, phytoestrogen was shown to relieve hot flashes that are often disruptive and unpleasant. Potentially taking 90 mg per day of phytoestrogens may benefit post-menopausal women in preventing the often devastating effects of osteoporosis by stimulating bone formation.

Mung beans are a low glycemic index food, which means the beans are a diabetic friendly food. Low glycemic foods promote healthy blood sugar levels. People who eat foods that have a low glycemic index tend to have lower total body fat levels as opposed to those who consume high-glycemic foods, such as white bread and soft drinks. In recent studies, mung beans have shown promise in reducing blood glucose, plasma C-peptide, glucagon and blood urea nitrogen levels in non-human type-2 diabetic subjects. In the study, mung bean sprouts and mung bean seed coats were consumed for a total of five weeks before reaching a conclusion.

Mung beans contain approximately 3.16 g of protein per cup. While meat is still one of the best sources of protein at 7 g per ounce, mung beans and vegetable based foods have far less saturated fat and cholesterol than certain meats.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mung Bean

Mung bean

Mung bean sprouts, high in nutrients and low in calories, are a versatile vegetable You can eat them cooked or raw, although pregnant women should not eat any raw sprouts because of the potential for food-borne illness. Mung bean sprouts make a good addition to a balanced diet, atop salads and soups or in sandwiches and wraps.

Weight Control Mung bean

Mung bean sprouts may help you control your weight because they have a low calorie density, with a small amount of calories in each serving. A cup of raw mung bean sprouts has 31 calories. Foods with a low calorie density, such as mung bean sprouts, can fill you up faster than high-fat or sugary foods.

Support Heart Health

A cup of raw mung beans provides about 2 g dietary fiber. The fiber in plant foods helps lower your bad LDL cholesterol levels. Sprouts also supply vitamin C, which may lower your risk for coronary heart disease. A diet high in sodium and low in potassium may increase your risk for high blood pressure, which may lead to heart disease. Mung beans are nearly sodium-free, and they have 155 mg potassium.

Maintain Healthy Vision

A benefit of mung bean sprouts is that they may support healthy vision. A diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk for cataracts and macular degeneration. These benefits come partly from the antioxidant activity of vitamin C. A cup of mung bean sprouts provides about 14 mg vitamin C, or nearly a quarter of the daily value for someone on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Improved Diet

Mung bean sprouts help you increase your vegetable consumption so your diet is healthier. A diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. It is easy to add mung bean sprouts to your diet, because you can eat them raw, in salads or sandwiches, or cooked, in stir-fries.